Turning Heads?

You’re walking down a street, and you notice someone. Someone who has got it just ‘right’. Their jacket. Their shoes. They’re wearing something that made you notice them, and you like what you see; what is your reaction? Do you think, ‘wow, good for them!’ or is it something closer to ‘Oh, I don’t look as good as that..’? Do you appreciate, or compare?

We often forget, or don’t realise at all, that we have a choice about how we respond in these moments. We don’t have to be slaves to how to we feel, or be stuck in our reactions. Life is a journey where we can grow and learn to see the world in new ways. 

A wise person once said that ‘comparison is the thief of joy’, and it’s so true! I really believe that each person has been made beautiful, and that we should embrace the way that we are, rather than wishing we had different colouring or a different shape. Nobody can wear every colour or style in the world, and I see that as a great thing. Why? Because it means that there is space for each one of us to express beauty in a way that others can’t. 

We’re like different puzzle pieces that make up the whole picture of beauty and none of us can do it all. How freeing! I can stop trying to be someone else and just be free to be me. Each of us has the opportunity to show our unique beauty by caring for our bodies, and choosing to accept and enjoy the way that we have been made. There’s so much fun to be had!

That person on the street, whether by accident or design, is wearing something that works for them, and we can be free to celebrate their choice with them when we are secure in our own unique beauty, and we know that that beauty isn’t diminished by appreciating theirs.

Do you know that you are beautiful? If you don’t, I’d love to help you see it.
